Ever sat down to watch a movie and, in-between the girl being chased by some guy wearing a ridiculous plastic mask and the strings of fear-inducing music, thought to yourself, “Wow, that sofa in the background would go perfect in my loft?” So have we! Television and film are the OG influencers. They give us the ability to explore another life… another world… another tan leather sofa with tapered legs. The truth is, what we watch has long inspired our creativity and sparked our imagination. That’s why now is the time for a world that connects what we watch to how we shop. This is SWFT CART. Great content meant to be shopped.

We don’t believe in tacking things on to sell merch or not-so-inconspicuous product placements. Our content is 100 percent story-driven, and uses the props you see on your screen to create an immersive shopping experience.

  • It was dark and windy night…. Or was it a bright and sunny day? Either way, I needed to create a concept video for a pitch meeting (SPIDER-MAN: LIBERTY). Working a full-time job (more on that later) left me with little time to prepare. My only option was to log in to Amazon to source most of the film’s props. Fake blood, a bruise wheel, clothing for the actors… If it looked right and was within budget, I added it to my cart. After wrapping up production, I went back to my job as a full-time content creator/videographer for Amazon-specific products.

    Pitch meetings came and went. Scripts were written and optioned. Projects were stuck in “development hell,” and I was still creating product video after product video. Don’t get me wrong, I love making product videos. It’s just that after a while, one begins to miss plot, character development, and beautiful set designs—things product videos weren’t intended for. So, I started to think. What if I combined both worlds and created engaging films using real-world products as props people could actually purchase for use in their everyday lives? SWFT CART gives viewers the ability to shop while watching quality content from the comfort of their homes.

  • Simple: you’re left with a great film! Shopping for products used in the film’s production was just ONE way of enjoying it. But the film is still a high-quality film meant to be watched now and forever.

  • Yes! We don’t believe in tacking things on to sell merch or not-so-inconspicuous product placements. Our content is 100 percent story-driven, and uses the props you see on your screen to create an immersive shopping experience.